Concepts, cooperation and communication
Based on the evaluated environmental data, the scientists of the HLNUG advice authorities as well as enterprises and develop concepts and recommendations. Regarding the European Water Framework Directive, the HLNUG was therefore not only involved in the assessment. It also played a substantial role during the setting of the River Basin Management Plans and the Programme of Measures, which are aiming on the good state respective the good ecological potential of Hessian water bodies until 2015.
Our geologists give advises for planning, construction and operation of dams, retaining structures as well as for restoration and maintenance of river dikes. For the ecological use of geothermal energy, they support planners, specialty firms and authorities, among others via seminars and manuals.
One special feature is Europe's only simulation facility of emissions, which is situated at the HLNUG's location in Kassel. It serves for qualification of measuring stations regarding the sampling technology and is used in a national as well as international context. Via the keyword CO2, it is just a small step from emission to one of the ruling topics of recent years: climate change. Climate change influences all environmental fields, but also economic and social welfare. To face this challenge, interdisciplinary cooperation of all organizations which are considered in this topic is a crucial precondition. Since October 2008, the activities of the state of Hessen are concentrated by the foundation of the Hessian Centre of Climate Change.
One of the main tasks of the centre is networking and the cooperation between relevant Hessian institutions. Further tasks are the development and application of regional climate models, climate change impact research and the development of the Hessian strategy on climate change adaptation.
Our environment does not stop on borders. Nowadays, transboundary cooperation and exchange of information is required, not only regarding climate change but for effective and efficient environmental protection. Beside the participation in national environmental projects and standardization procedures, the HLNUG carries out international activities. For instance, our experts advices the Iraqi region of Kurdistan during the implementation of an air quality monitoring network and regarding water management issues. At EU-level, the HLNUG, together with the Hessian Ministry of Environment, represent Germany in the WATER CoRe Project. This projects deals with the improvement of water management in order to face water scarcity and droughts.
We provide our information and our expertise for authorities, enterprises and public in different forms. For example, the HLNUG offers a huge, annually increasing number of own publications. The spectrum reaches from general information leaflets to specific guidelines and reports as well as maps and data products.
The central information platform of the agency is its website ( Besides numerous information on particular working topics, it provides the possibility to access several special IT-systems. Current measurements from the fields of air, water and environmental radioactivity complete this offer. In this way, citizens can get information not only about the concentration of air pollutants, water levels and water pollutants but also, for instance, every summer about the quality of bathing waters.
Furthermore, the HLNUG carries out numerous seminars and events. One of these events addresses children from the 3rd grade on: The Hessian Centre of Climate Change initiated in cooperation with media educators of the University of Kassel a "children university on climate change". Additionally, numerous of our experts bring in their expertise via teaching assignments.
Text published in Water AND Waste 2012
Springer Vieweg Verlag Wiesbaden